I'm really not sure what to make of it. At first I just thought it was such a cool coincidence, but the more I've thought about it, the more I wonder if there's some larger, more cosmic meaning involved.
About two weeks ago I was standing by the gate to Rosie's yard waiting for Rosie to take her daily morning yard tour. The is a time of day that I particulaarly love....early morning....where I check out the temperature and nature of the day.
For some reason it was later than usual and so it was actually light out. It was beautiful out there, many leaves were still on the trees in their brilliant autumn colors and there were leaves that had already fallen, covering everything, waiting to be raked.
It's usually really still at this early time of day, but enough of a breeze passed by to loosen three leaves from the maple across the way in our neighor's yard. For some reason, just curiosity, I decided to watch one of these falling leaves, following it's path as it danced it's way to earth in it's one and only ballet.
I kept my eye on this leaf as it looped and twirled, catching a little updraft and heading upwards before it spun, tumbled, and twirled towards the ground. And then....and then....the strangest thing happened. That leaf landed right at my feet! Not off to the side next to my right foot, no, it landed right between my toes as if that was the spot it had been aiming for all along.
I still don't know what to make of it. I find it astonishing that on this one particular day, I was out there when it was light enough to watch a leaf twirl to the ground right there outside the gate. I find it astonishing that of the three falling leaves, I picked the one that lands at my feet and becomes my leaf. I find it astonishing that of the millions of places that this leaf could've landed....the neighbor's yard, the driveway, the patio, on the raspberry bushes, 5 feet off to the side....it landed right smack-dab between my toes at my feet. What are the chances!!
Though it's curled up now, and dry, I still have that leaf. The color is still bright.
When I pass by and see it there on the kitchen counter, I wonder if maybe it was my mind controling that leaf....but I wasn't trying to make it come to me. I've thought about some cosmic connection to nature which I definitely feel when I'm out there first thing in the morning.
And I've wondered this......I'm not a particularly religious person.....mostly from a "not knowing" perspective. But I do have to wonder. What I've decided and what I kind of like to think is that this leaf is a little gift, a little "hi, how are ya" from a greater spirit in the universe.
I don't know, really, but do you think this could be it?