I recently e-mailed this UPLIFTING news headline about Apple Shapes causing yet another way to slide down the Slippery Slope. Here's the headline:
Big belly boosts risk of later dementia
Oh Good Grief!
But, difficult times can also encourage creative thinking. My idea: If only we could invent Home Lipo-suction kits, we'd be on Easy Street! Even better, if we could figure out a way to use the lipo-sucted stuff as fuel for our cars, we'd also be famous and heros to boot. Many things solved in one swoop: cure for heart desease, cure for dementia, a morale booster AND no more energy dependence....and...... we'd even save the planet with our new fuel product. What do ya think? Should we go for it.
By the way, Terry and I (in the photo) are using the Old-Fashioned way to cope with neck wrinkles. It gets a little unweildy, though, having to use one hand to tighten the flab. I know Chris and I have talked about a product we'd like to produce.....something like flesh-colored duct tape to pull the neck skin tight. You'd probably use this in the back under your hair so it wouldn't show up so much. I imagine even flesh-colored duct tape could be visible if it isn't applied quite right.
OK ladies, so that's it. Three new products to work on. As you can see, whew!, I've got my Silly back. Oh yeah.
OK, I think I did forget my password (they make you have 8 characters and my everyday, stand by password only has 6) so I re-did my password. AND I wrote it down, and I put the paper with the password under the printer, so remember that!(I can't count on that Frank anymore) WOOO!
I love the photos Pat.
Oh, and here are some good nominations for the Name Patty's Postcards Contest. Paper-Smile, Post-Smile, Happy-Face or Patty-Post.
Ima thinking I better get busy and make some more postcards. Yikes! I might need some more material.
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