First, let's re-visit this old high school picture from the Holy Crap! Shrine on top of my dresser. You will notice that the arrow and horns have migrated to the right of the picture this is really convenient to have MOVEABLE arrows and horns, I tell ya, it makes life so much easier! In the last entry both the horns AND the arrow were on that mean girl, Betsy Crabtoes. I have more stories about her, both good and bad, but this story is about Donna Sweetgirl (Name changed to protect the innocent) and myself. The arrow is pointing at Donna, who, I swear, was probably the nicest girl in my whole high school of 3000. I mean, genuinely nice. The horns are coming out MY awesomely dorky bubble hairdo, which Ellen tells me is now again in style. (REALLY?!?!?) I would of never imagined in high school how futurely fashionable I'd be all these years later!
My story, though, goes way back to fourth grade, ....9 years old(?) first memory of Foot and Mouth Disease. I can remember being consciously mean before that, but this is my first accidental case of saying the very wrong thing at the worst possible time. Here goes:
I had recently moved into a new neighborhood and a friend's mom was driving a bunch of us back from a Brownie Scout meeting (I think). Donna Sweetgirl.....also 9..... was in this car too. When we turned down her street, Donna said, "My house is the UGLIEST house on the whole street". Well, I imagine you can guess what I said. Yep, that's right. I pointed to what I considered was the UGLIEST house on the street and said, "It must be that one!" And, of course, that one WAS her house. Even at that tender age, I felt a wash of embarrassment roll over my whole body. I feel it now just thinking about it while I'm typing this. I felt it when I looked at that photo, which is many years after it happened. I get hot, mostly in the face, but my whole body reacts. I know I've said a whole bunch of really stupid things since then, but I don't remember any of them as well as that first time. ho....wowowowo.
So, the CONTEST....I've seen contests on another blog and thought.... What Fun! You can enter by using the comments. Just click on the "comments" place at the bottom of the entry....even if it says "0 comments", that's how you get there. Or you can e-mail me your story and I'll post it here on the blog. Or you can tell me your sad story, and I'll write it up for you. There are two catagories, 1. Earliest Foot and Mouth event (youngest) and 2. Worst Case of Foot and Mouth.
Good luck!
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