We mustn't forget to mention the perfect form of our Measurer-in-Chief and Ref-in-Charge. Many a dispute was negotiated to a successful conclusion and mayhem avoided. Good job, Steve!
Amy's not sure if her ball went where she intended.....
Kirk demonstrates perfect form for hanging out under the tree....
Mary before her "Thrill of Victory and Agony of Defeat" episode....
Terry shows proper form with the "ball fling" method. Fran shows us how to hold the ball in anticipation of her turn. She is READY!
The crowd goes "oooooohhhh!"
Steve shines a little light on the situation....
It's hard to see, but notice the "grrrrr" grin on Anna's face. So fierce! So ready to take on the Browns!
Robyn winds up.....
The crowd goes "ahhhhhhh!"
The crowd goes "hahahaha!" Lenny musta made one of his funny wisecracks!
Pay attention, A-Team! you're up next!
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