"O" Happy Day!!!
This morning really really early, when I was walking my sweet dog, every newspaper lying on every sidewalk and yard was inside it's plastic wrapper, folded in such a way that all you could see was the headline:
in huge 2" type. O what a sight! All these newspapers...some even lying on the sidewalks and yards that had McCain/Palin signs......haha! O what a wonderful thing!
I still can't express how excited and happy I am about the results of this election. Excited, happy, proud, inspired, relieved, hopeful. All of that. Watching the results come in, realizing that after all, O my!, this intelligent statesman of a man is actually going to win...it was thrilling. This man who appeals to our greater selves rather than our fears is going to be leading our country.
And the whole world is rejoicing with us!
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