Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why It's Time to Come Home....

Yes, it's time to come home....and here are the reasons why......

10. The "fireworks" trees that were such a cool wonder on the Konigstrasse have been cut back so their branches are ugly and warped stubs. I know, I know, it's for spring clean-up and they'll be fine after the leaves appear, but I can hardly bear it now.

9. My favorite coffee shop went out of business just the other day

8. They took away my favorite Chinese-Take-Out-Seating area, where you could hang with all the other Take-Out lovers and replaced it with manaquins to sell more clothes.

7. I've started running for the train just like everyone else

6. Everytime I come home, I now consider using the elevator instead of the stairs

5. I've run out of steam

4. I'm sick and tired of all my clothes

3. Funf, Hoo-lay, and Alles are just not enough words...

2. I miss my sweet doggie....

1. I miss all my great and wonderful friends.....

Oh wait.....that's not them!

That's not them either.....

I don't see anyone here that I know......(The Nareen Festival.....The Fools Festival! Ha!)

Oh, oh, here they are!!!!

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