Carol shows us all how to use the equipment....
Rosetta's ready!
Ellen was the Nose-job Specialists....
Sharon drills a pre-hole for a facial feature...
Maragaret was a "Head Ball" expert.....
Art is getting his equipment ready....
Frances with nieces Sara and good to have multi-generations! Open your eyes, Frances!
Frances with her eyes open.....drilling holes into the gritty snow.....
Kathy slid into place to kiss this guy....
Steve, oh man, did he ever hear a LOT about the Snowpeople....but only gave out encouragement.....
The Group....minus Rosetta, Art and Margaret....sorry we didn't do the group shot before you had to go....
I thought it'd snow and then we'd build, voila!, just like that.
Hohoho, the snow has to be right....not the dry and fluffy stuff we've had...and not too deep. The troops need to be ready. Finally, it just HAD to be done, no matter what.
The coolest things happened. People waved and honked. People stopped to ask about it. People took pictures. People came by and said they'd seen the mini-Snowpeople and wondered. The woman from Stauffers said the employees there had made up stories about the minis, they'd taken on a life of their own.
A woman I know said she'd seen the the gym, at Stauffers, at Doughsie Dough, at the library (where, by the way, there is an auxilliary group of 20 Snowpeople waiting for the library employees when the library opens this morning).
I love these stories. I love hearing about people wondering. I love hearing how the Snowpeople made people smile. I love imagining all the times the little guys have made people experience a little prick of curiosity.
Something a little out of the ordinary, something fun to think about. A little gift to the community.
Good job, everyone, I can't wait til next year! Hahaha!
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