Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cross-section of leek

Everywhere I turn there's something going on, something extraordinary to see or hear or feel.  My list grows and grows.  I wonder will I ever run out and start repeating.  Would that even matter if you can take pleasure in something again and again, new eyes fresh each time.  I think the important part is the noticing.

****Cross-section of leek.  Working on a soup for the soup contest, I was astonished at the beauty of the inside of that leek.  All those dots!  The color shading.  OH LA!

****Rosie's little grunts of pleasure as I'm giving her a good rub under her chin, neck and chest.  She half closes her eyes absorbing absorbing absorbing the love.

****Steve and I walk to Doughsie Dough every Sunday morning and on the way back we always walk down Broad St.  Frequently we pass an elderly, cigar-smoking  man who always likes to stop and give Rosie a pat on the head and wish us a good morning.  The other day, as we again walked past this man, he stopped and we got into a conversation about dogs and how wonderful they were.  He started telling us about dogs of his childhood.....the headstrong doberman and the saint bernard that he slept with in the back unheated room of the house where he grew up.  As he was talking a tear started rolling down his cheek, slowly making it's way past the wrinkles of his face.  Maybe it was the cold, but I really think it was the sweetness of those memories of his boyhood and his animal friends from that time long ago.

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