Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Souper Soup 2010!! Yippee!

Oh gosh, what a FUN day!!! Souper Soup 2010.....

And the winner is.....drum roll please!......Queen Carol!!!

With a wonderful, delicious, limey, Mexican Soup! Whoa!! Good job, Carol!

The other winners........excellent, superb and fantastic soups all.

Going through the Soup Contest photos, trying to figure out which ones to post, I was quickly jotting down brief descriptions....haha! are some of those quick jots of all the photos I wanted to include....
---Ellen pours
---Ellen pinches
---Ellen, just right
---Jacqueline, secret ingredient
---Jacqueline yum
---Frances....eyes closed again
---Lorie the Trinity
---Terry, yikes!
---Chris and prizes
---Terry growls
---Nancy shakes it
---Sharon dancing
---There's Veena
---Everyone leans right with Veena
---Ladies on wall dancing
---More dancing
---Terry growls
---Serious Amy
---Sun goes down
---Nuns bowling in background
---Everyone laughs
---Frances laughs, eyes open
---Lights come on
---Still dancing
---More laughing
---Mono Lisa watches dancing
As you can many photos, such a marvelous time. Let's see if we can post a link to a SLIDE SHOW.....hoho....wouldn't that be awesome!
Ooooh....Can't do it, don't know how.....hmmmmm.......that slide show is so much fun....pooh....let me work on it....

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