Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Full Moon and Snow on Coneflowers

****How the snow piles up on every available surface mounding higher than seems possible.

I've had a few thoughts about how we perceive the world and how we automatically ascribe "good" and "bad" to some situations without really giving it thought.  Take "cold" for example.  You go out and it's cold and you clench up, grit your teeth and call it bad.  A judgment is made.  However, if you can leave the judgment out of it and unclench, just feeling it, the cold just IS.  It can be invigorating and feel tart against your check....but not necessarily bad.  Last week, during the bitter cold, I had a different thought.  There was no denying that to be out in the cold was brutal.  There was nothing Zen about it.  It was freezing!  My coat felt like a cotton shirt.  So!  Maybe this is the clue.....what you wear.  If you have on enough layers and those layers are heavy enough, the cold is not such a negative.  Surely the Eskimos don't go around clenching up and cursing the cold all the time.

 STILL!  I don't want to go to Minnesota in the winter.

A couple of others:

****The slippery sweetness of mango as it slides around in your mouth.

****The line of blue neon light outlining a guitar seen though the windshield in the rain.  Slowly the bright blue line dissolves as the windshield becomes streaked with drops of rain and at some point there is no outline of a guitar anymore, but a field of electric blue dots slowly dripping down.

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