Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another Batch! And trying to steady the boat....

Photos are at the bottom so this can end on a high and positive note.....

Ever since my epiphany yesterday that John (Known Quantity Old White Guy) McCain may have a good chance to beat out either Hillary (Woman and Bill's wife) Clinton and Barak (Hussein Black Guy....with Hope) Obama.....never mind that McSame promises more of what we've been having the last 7 years, I've really been in the doldrums. I'm trying to get back my optimism, but really, I think it goes back to the whole voting debacle last week. I've come to the conclusion that the most electable Democrat...John (White Southern Guy) Edwards was shoved out of the arena by the media who gave Edwards about one tenth the coverage of Clinton and Obama. I'm hoping this wasn't because the media is in the pocket of the current administration, but rather, it was an attempt at selling sensationalism in the first race ever between a woman and a black man. How cynical is that, hoping that sensationalism wins out! But at any rate, I've come to the conclusion that many people are just plain afraid of something different than what they've always known....someone who looks different or has a different sound. I had so hoped that this country could be put on the right track again with fairness and justice for all and the moral high road and common good being our intent. To have McCain would be more of the same old-same old. I sometimes wonder if I'm too idealisic or just plain naive. Maybe the campaign season just goes on too long and wears us all out. What is it that makes our politics so nasty? What is it that makes nastiness work? Does it all stem from ego? I don't get it!!

OK, I HAVE figured out how to move the photos around so we can end with good stuff after my downer of a thought. It's a much better way...definitely. I needed to look at these photos some more and remember that, really, life is pretty good, never mind the direction things seem to be going politically.

I will say that Kathy has now joined the B & B stage of life, and isn't that Carol just so tricky what with her "thinking" finger held just so against her jaw. I have another photo of Carol with the same finger pose....hmmmm..... Margie and Diane are lookin so good....been at work all day, have to go into work tomorrow early, but still lookin great. And the bottom photo is the very beginning of the Conga Line, before it actually started whirling around the restaurant, before it headed out the door. The photo is like a Tropical Storm brewing up before it gets up to speed and it's full potential HERricane force blasts out.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kathy said something just like this.....

Kathy sent this in e-mail the other day.....this is what she said at her party....well, almost. This IS what she meant....

Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.
Sisters are there,
no matter how much time and how
many miles are between you.
A girl friend is never farther away
than needing her can reach.
When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you
have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.
Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you...Or come in and carry you out.
Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters, daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers, Grandmothers, aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended family, all bless our life!
The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I.
When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead.
Nor did we know how much we would need each other.
Every day, we need each other still.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More from Kathy's Fabulous Extravaganza of Celebration

I tell ya what! Aren't we cute!!!

Heartsick, Mad and Embarrassed

I have been waiting for months to vote for Barack Obama. I love his message of unity....his ideal that we ALL need to work for progress.....together. I love that he's raised the level of discourse...in debating, in campaigning and in idea. I love that he's been positive rather than stooping to dirty "sound-bite" gotcha items. I love the spirit and message of hope that he's inspired in so many people. It was the very first time I've ever been so engaged in politics that I put out a yard sign. I felt this was such an important election that I also....for the first time....signed up to work for his campaign on election day. I also went to see Obama, not once, but twice, when he came to our area. So when I went to the poll yesterday, yeah, I was really excited to vote, more than I've ever been.

But I couldn't vote. When I got to the poll I found out I was registered as an Independent. How could I NOT know this!! I felt like I'd been hit in the gut with a sledge hammer. I felt like an idiot, but more than that, I couldn't vote when I most wanted to. Talk about SAD. Talk about MAD.....at myself. I'm still reeling from this. This lack of self-knowlege, this lack of getting my peas in a row. How could I have let this happen. I don't know.

I will also say, I don't know my blood-type either. I know I've learned it several times. And I know there is an A, a B or an O in it. But yeah, that's only because that's the only kinds there are. And I know it's a positive thing. Oh well.

So this morning when I woke up to find out that Hillary had gotten her 10%, I feel even sadder...and maybe even somewhat responsible. I have three daughters who didn't vote because they were away and didn't take the time to bother with the absentee ballots. I should've sent those to them with admonitions of no home cooking EVER AGAIN if they didn't vote. And I should've made damn sure that I was registered as a Democrat in order to be able to vote. So yeah, I feel really hearsick.

I will say, I know that many people voted for Hillary because of positives, for real issues that they think are important. It's not just because of the scare tactics (the 3 am phone call) or the negative campaigning that went on. Though, I still think Obama should and will get the nomination, if, in the end, Hillary becomes the candidate, I'll try to keep remembering that she wrote a book which has a title I really love. "It takes a Village". Though I haven't read it, I think the premise is really wonderful....because in the end it does take a village.

So, my self-image and my idealism took really big hits yesterday. Today, I'm trying to recuperate.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kathy's Fabulous Fiftieth!

Oh Kathy, you were the perfect Birthday Girl! You were so easy to kidnap, you were so joyous in your celebration. And the SPEECH, it was wonderful. I looked (briefly) for a poem....or a little Sisterhood Story that matched the wonderful occasion, but there is some really (ewww) saccharine stuff out there....and really ladies, the Wags, we just don't do super SWEET. Whatever Kathy said....though I can't remember specifically what that was.....it was perfect. It was about doing stuff together and enjoying life together and helping each other out (I think....).....at any rate, we know we do that stuff. And laughing together and commiserating together and dancing the conga line out the Cafe onto Main St. It's about celebrating who we all are. Well, Kathy, I'm not really sure at all what you said exactly, but I'm sure I know the gest of it because as I remember it, I was nodding and thinking at the time that, yeah, that all of it was true.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Imagine, Whirled Peace, at Giant, on Sale!!

OK, here it is in my hand, Ben and Jerry's, Imagine Whirled Peace Ice cream........I'm taking the lid off now.....wait, I need to get the scissor to cut the plastic........ok, the plastics off.......mmm, nice and rich caramelly color, I can't wait, where's my spoon...., ok I got it. Here we go....I'm going right for the fudge peace sign and....oh THAT IS GOOD!!! Now, I'm an ice cream lover from..... ooo, wait, let me try this toffee cookie piece...JEEZZZ Frank, Peace give me some room here!.....Oh if world peace had a taste, mmmm, this would be it for sure! WHAT do you think Frank?(I guess I should share, it is his birthday)

Chunky Monkey move over, this is going to be one heck of a job, eating our way to world peace, but someone has to do it, right? All right now Robin wants to get in on this world peace thing too so I better go and get my spoon in there before it's all gone. PEACE!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


OK, I couldn't remember the name of the WINNING soup from the Contest....but now I have it! And the recipe..... Actually, ALL the soups look really good! But the winner, the
PRETTY SOUP is the one on the back left......

Sweet Potato Minestrone with Turkey Sausage

½ lb smoked turkey sausage,

Cut into ¼ inch slices1 cup diced onion1 cup diced carrot¾ cup thinly sliced celery3 cups water2 cups peeled, diced sweet potato (about 9 ounces)1 tsp. dried oregano½ tsp. coarsely ground pepper¼ teaspoon salt2 (14 ½-ounce) cans no salt whole tomatoes, undrained and coarsely chopped1 (15- ounce can) Great Northern beans, rinsed and drained8 cups coarsely chopped spinachCombine first 4 ingredients in a Dutch oven; sauté over medium-high heat 7 minutes or until sausage is browned.Add water and net 6 ingredients. Bring to a boil; cover reduce heat, and simmer 30 minutes or until veggies are tender. Stir in spinach; cook and additional 2 minutes. Yield 7 servings (about 1 ½ cups)Notes: I used almost double the amount of meat and it was hot turkey sausage, crumbled I also used yams instead of sweet potatoes, only because for the longest time, I really didn't know the difference Of course, who uses whole tomatoes when you can buy them already chopped up.By the way, this is probably one of the easiest soups to make!!! The Broth is usually not quite as thick as it was this time. Who knows why. It is good either way.

OK, Marcy, that's quite a lot of coverage for the Soup Contest! But it is a GREAT event and I can tell you from experience that it's a wonderful feeling to be the CHAMP. Right now, I feel like a has-been....I AM as has-been! and so I'm working on next year's entry.

At the moment I'm furiously working on getting stuff ready for a show in Richmond the first weekend of May. So coverage of the FABULOUS Kathy Ross 50th Birthday Kidnapping and Extravaganza has been slow to show up. Soon......to a blog near you....no, actually right here. You don't have to go anywhere. Soon, it'll be here. Hang on.

Putting Out the SIGN

Last week, or the week before, I brought home an Obama sign that I'd gotten at the Cafe Chocolate where a meeting of Democrats was taking place when I got there. I usually don't want to put my political views on parade....I also didn't want to stick my feelings into my good neighbors' noses. I had assumed that most of the people in my neighborhood, being typical Lancaster County residents, were staunchly Republican. I like my neighbors and didn't want to offend them with shouting, figuratively, my political views. But I really feel like this election is SO important. Our country needs so deperately to turn in a different direction .....a direction that is conciliatory and inclusive rather than divisive. And I believe Obama is the best candidate to do this. SO, I put out my sign. It felt good....and a little brave. I'd made my statement.

Much to my surprise, the very next day, my postman knocked on my door to tell me he LOVED my sign and he hoped that Obama would be our next president. A couple of days later, my next door neighbors asked where I got the sign because they wanted one. Whoa! I would've never guessed they'd want one in a million years. They're ready for a change. A couple of days later, a sign appeared at the driveway of the folks who live behind me. Astonishing! Yesterday, I went to get a sign for my next-door neighbor....I wanted him to have one, to put it in the ground.....a sort of signing on the dotted line, a proclamation of committment. When I went over to give him the Obama sign, he once again asked where you can get one because he'd been talking to the guy who lives a couple of doors down....and he also wants a sign. These things are amazing to me. Not only did I think I'd never hear this from my neighbors, but for them to actively want to announce their intention is a total surprise. And so refreshing. And it also gives me pause in holding on to my preconceived notions as to who these people are. Maybe I was wrong in assuming things about them all along. Hmmmm.....put out a statement, an opinion ....and you can learn a lot by the response that you get. Mostly, all this time, in an effort to not offend anyone, I've stuck with only exchanging opinions with the choir. I think it's time to branch out and learn.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Soup Contest

This year's reigning Queen of Soups mentioned to me the other day that there'd been no post about the Soup Contest on the blog. That's right, though some photos had been posted, I guess a full and accurate account of the event has never been entered. I think the Queen of Soups wants more publicity.....

What I think this calls for, however, is a summary of how it went this year, how it went last year, and how things go in general and on a regular and full time basis....out in the world at large.

Last year, the winner worked really, really, really hard to secure the prestigious title of Soup Queen. But alas, last year's winner is a brunette......typical ole ho-hum, brown hair. So, as she was always accustomed to doing, she had to work for her place....none of this PRETTY stuff. She spun and wove tales of what the Wonderful Black Bean Soup could do. She made a bumper sticker. She ran a never-ending publicity campaign. She worked til the Crack 0' Dawn making bribes. It all worked! But it WAS work, even aside from making the Wonderful Black Bean Soup.

This year, however, the winner, who is a BLOND, used a different tactic. Being a blond, she's known all her life that PRETTY works. So there was no advertizing campaign for her soup. There were no fantastic claims or bribes. The soup WAS good, really good. And healthy. But the selling point for this soup was that it looked PRETTY. And so, even without all the campaigning and selling of this soup prior to the Soup Contest, this soup won anyway. Our present Queen of Soups just showed up....with soup....and won.

So there you have it. Blonds go for pretty cause they know it works; all others know they must work for their crowns. And so it goes in the wider world as well.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why I love NYC and the whole Diversity Thing

I came back from NYC a month or so ago just pumped on how exciting and diverse it is there. Lucy had an indoor hockey tournament just a 10 minute subway ride from Alyssa's apartment....10 minutes north....which is away from the touristy areas and where many regular working people......people of many colors and languages live.

One thing I love about being in NY is that you can go anywhere and everywhere on public transportation and when I first started going to the Big City, I had to learn to practice "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Regular subway riders do not glow and smile and talk enthusiastically on the subway.....oh no no, everyone who is a regular and not a visitor like me is deadpan...allowing no emotion to show on their faces. Bored, bored, bored. But still, even now that I've learned to damp down the excitement of being there, I love watching all those different people riding.... mothers riding with sleeping kids leaning into them, businessmen with their briefcases...reading!...while standing up and jerking about with the subway motion, fashionable teenagers with full shopping bags....and sometimes beggars or semi-performers trying to make some cash. But still, and through it all, everyone always keeps a blank face....nothing fazes those experienced New Yorkers....they've probably seen it all. And so I try to pretend there is nothing exciting here....though I find that ALL of it is.

This park where Lucy had her tournament is really cool. Talk about multi-use, it's built on a pier over the Hudson River on top of a water treatment plant. It has an ice skating rink, a pool, a soccer field, a restaurant and an indoor recreation building and probably more that I didn't see. Leaving the park at night and walking to the subway, there's a bridge over the Henry Hudson Parkway where you look right at the GW Bridge lit up and reflecting in the river below with the skyline of New Jersey behind it....breathtakingly beautiful!

The range of people in....I think it was called the Big Apple Tournament.....was very different than you usually see at most hockey tournaments. Field Hockey is pretty much a "white bread" sport, about as UNdiverse as you can get. But this tourney had a men's bracket...and these men played only indoor floor hockey, practiced only indoor hockey and so really knew how to play indoor hockey. Lightening quick, they were amazing to watch. But the really super cool thing about it, though, was who they were. There were men originally from Jamacia ....immigrants I guess....in dreads. One man had dreads down to his waist that he pulled back into a giant bunch while playing. There was a team from Canada, of, I'm not sure, Indian (as in Bombay) or Pakistani descent, wearing turbans. And then there was the team from the Bronx....black guys who brought their own DJ. How cool is that! While I couldn't understand what the DJ was saying...or rapping....the accoustics were pretty bad....just the fact that here were black guys there playing indoor hockey that had their own personal DJ was so cool. We're not in Pennsylvania anymore!!

On our subway ride back that night, we were the only white people in our subway car among people of every shade of skin color. So refreshing!! I loved that....so many different kinds of people....but all sitting there with their bored faces unimpressed with it all. But at some point a....hmmm....I guess you could call him a performer, came into our car. This guy was loud, talking, shouting, a little bit scary until he began to do his thing.....which was.....to stomp! Stomp in a rhythm that only he could hear. Stomp, stomp, sta, stomp stomp stomp!!! Well, I never saw THAT before on the subway! And I guess, neither did the young Asian woman sitting across from me.....the one who had gotten on the subway earlier, sat down and ridden up to that point with the usual New York City Uninterested Face. I'm not sure if she spoke English or not....probably so, but probably also an Easten language with her family in this multi-cultural city. But when this guy began to Stomp!, we both lost our bored expression, sort of laughed/smiled at each other, raised our shoulders and rolled our eyes together in a universal comment of "what the heck!". It was a brief crystal moment of connection in the usually blase world of subway riding....a ZIP! moment that somehow seems important to me.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Six Word Memoirs....or QUICK, get some different pictures up!

OK, I think we need some more input here....a little 6 word creativity with some new and fun photos. I'm putting up the photos....everyone can provide the 6-word description. Oh yeah, this'll be fun!
A few to start:
---Christine....Our Leader of the Pack
---Organizer extraordinaire....Keeps us keeping on
---Dynamo Chris, Wagholter Wonder Woman, Wow!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Patty Party Potter Blogger


There is a gal name Patty Party Potter Blogger,
She likes to dress up and drink tall tall glasses of lagger.
Her hats often are a bit silly,
Maybe even a little hillbilly.
Give her a cheer, gal of the year, Patty, the Wonder Wagger!

I love the new name Terry gave to Pat, Pat Party Potter Blogger. I think that it about says it all don't you? Well that's the best I could come up with to rhyme with blogger!

OBAMA at Wilbur Chocolate

Got these photos from Tom Fulmer.
Bummed that I could not get the video on though!

Look out now, I think we may see some more photos of our Chatty Patty now that I got the hang of this, well some what. Need to figure out the layout part.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Obama comes to town!

Here are a couple of other photos of Obama's visit to Wilbur yesterday....right here in Lititz, can you believe that?! Also there's a photo of Ellen from Saturday when we waited to get tickets for his speech at Stevens. Can you tell how cold it was? And lucky Ellen, we didn't get tickets then, but she knows someone in High Places and got one later. Can't wait to hear about the speech.

One of the coolest things about our trip down to Wilbur yesterday was that Anna and I...and Chris too I think....were talking to the check-out woman there who has always been there at Wilburs. This woman is so cute and so nice....a little old white-haired woman who's so pleasant that she always puts a little up-tick in your day when you cross her path. I love that! She was saying she was so excited that Obama was coming, but also she was so excited that because she had never imagined that a woman or a black man could be running for president during her lifetime.....and here it was. Exciting! Hooray for her.....and hooray for us all too!

Trying My Hand At This Blog Thing

This is a test, it's only a test!! HAHA!!

I was one of the lucky ones who got to shake the hand of the MAN who I hope will be the next president of the United States of America. Oh it was so exciting, it really was. Forest face was the best, he was right up front. I asked him if he said anything to Obama? He said "NO, I just shook his hand and stared like this" when I turned around to look at his face his eyes were like two big saucer ( OO )= Forest eyes!!

But back to the test, I have photos but no where near as nice as Pat's. But I do have a short video. So when Forest gets home I will have him help me download it to the computer and blog it (I hope anyway). This is to see if I can get onto the web page with a blog. So here I come Pat!