Ever since my epiphany yesterday that John (Known Quantity Old White Guy) McCain may have a good chance to beat out either Hillary (Woman and Bill's wife) Clinton and Barak (Hussein Black Guy....with Hope) Obama.....never mind that McSame promises more of what we've been having the last 7 years, I've really been in the doldrums. I'm trying to get back my optimism, but really, I think it goes back to the whole voting debacle last week. I've come to the conclusion that the most electable Democrat...John (White Southern Guy) Edwards was shoved out of the arena by the media who gave Edwards about one tenth the coverage of Clinton and Obama. I'm hoping this wasn't because the media is in the pocket of the current administration, but rather, it was an attempt at selling sensationalism in the first race ever between a woman and a black man. How cynical is that, hoping that sensationalism wins out! But at any rate, I've come to the conclusion that many people are just plain afraid of something different than what they've always known....someone who looks different or has a different sound. I had so hoped that this country could be put on the right track again with fairness and justice for all and the moral high road and common good being our intent. To have McCain would be more of the same old-same old. I sometimes wonder if I'm too idealisic or just plain naive. Maybe the campaign season just goes on too long and wears us all out. What is it that makes our politics so nasty? What is it that makes nastiness work? Does it all stem from ego? I don't get it!!
OK, I HAVE figured out how to move the photos around so we can end with good stuff after my downer of a thought. It's a much better way...definitely. I needed to look at these photos some more and remember that, really, life is pretty good, never mind the direction things seem to be going politically.
I will say that Kathy has now joined the B & B stage of life, and isn't that Carol just so tricky what with her "thinking" finger held just so against her jaw. I have another photo of Carol with the same finger pose....hmmmm..... Margie and Diane are lookin so good....been at work all day, have to go into work tomorrow early, but still lookin great. And the bottom photo is the very beginning of the Conga Line, before it actually started whirling around the restaurant, before it headed out the door. The photo is like a Tropical Storm brewing up before it gets up to speed and it's full potential HERricane force blasts out.
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