There is a gal name Patty Party Potter Blogger,
She likes to dress up and drink tall tall glasses of lagger.
Her hats often are a bit silly,
Maybe even a little hillbilly.
Give her a cheer, gal of the year, Patty, the Wonder Wagger!
I love the new name Terry gave to Pat, Pat Party Potter Blogger. I think that it about says it all don't you? Well that's the best I could come up with to rhyme with blogger!
OH DEAR!! That was suppose to read "AND HERE SHE IS" (under the photo)
How do you correct things on the world wide web Pat? You don't I'm sure. Oh well. It's always something!!
Now, let me get back to my photos HAHA!
UH OH!! This is seriously scary now!! Oh my goodness...hmmmm....maybe I shouldna invited contributors after all. I forgot about that HAT businss. Well, at least we have a wide range of focus here on this blog....we swing from a very serious, well-spoken Presidential Candidate....over to the one-woman bathroom perfecting the art of the rediculously silly. Oh dear!
Itsa Me, I'm going back through my pictures....lookin for you!
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