There were 350 steps leading up to the castle. No, we didn't count them, they were numbered. BUT, now I AM keeping track of steps....there's a theme here...more on that later. The views on the twists and turns going up were neat....
One of the several squares in the city.....with, of course, a statue and fountain. Everywhere, statues and fountains. The respect for art and the dignity (thanks, Sue, for that word) of the buildings is such a wonderful aesthetic....
A view down the street in Heidelberg. Twisty, turning streets with steeples punctuating the background....oh my....

The view overlooking the town from the castle (350 steps high!). As you can see, the king, the duke, the overlord or whoever, could keep good watch over his fiefdom. See that bridge...I know it's little in the photo...about half-way down on the right. Pooh! and drat! You can walk over that bridge. And I LOVE to walk over bridges. It's a great perspective of a place from a bridge. I didn't know you could walk over that bridge, so we didn't go there. Oh well, I guess, that means another visit to Heidelberg.
The view overlooking the town from the castle (350 steps high!). As you can see, the king, the duke, the overlord or whoever, could keep good watch over his fiefdom. See that bridge...I know it's little in the photo...about half-way down on the right. Pooh! and drat! You can walk over that bridge. And I LOVE to walk over bridges. It's a great perspective of a place from a bridge. I didn't know you could walk over that bridge, so we didn't go there. Oh well, I guess, that means another visit to Heidelberg.
Just to let you know, I DID make the 2009 #2 Soup, Italian Sausage Soup II, aka Cupboard Cleanout Soup, last night. I can't tell you how much fun I had shopping for all the ingredients. There's an Italian stand in the central market and I'd practiced....drei hundert grams bitte....300 hundred grams please. Haha, the guy looked at me funny and sort of chuckled....actually, they sell those sausages by the number....1...2....3.... sausages....OF COURSE. This wasn't even a language blip, it was a common sense blip. Oh well. So I got actually 4 sausages....vier hundert grams...400 hundred grams of sausage. And of course, this isn't turkey sausage, oh no, there probably isn't even a single turkey sausage in all of Stuttgart....maybe in all of Europe. Oh well.
And then to the grocery store! Oh yes, I like this grocery store. It's kind of a game trying to figure out what's what. The pictures help. Some of the words are similar so that helps too. I found no chicken (hahnchen) boullion, but the gemuse (vegetable....oh a vegetable, thank God!) boullion would do. No red pepper flakes either but cayenne pepper would work.
That soup turned out really good (gut!) After I got home with my purchases, I remembered that our refrigerator is really tiny, under-the-counter tiny.....hmmm, leftovers are now out on the balcony. That works.
I AM actually trying to learn some German. I practice up for what I might need that day. I've learned the numbers up to 9. I swear, I just can't seem to remember 10. Or remember anything much really.
For example, I've learned and practiced....repeatedly! to say "excuse me". You use this if you bump into someone or if you need to get by. The word: Entschuldigung! Entschuldigung?!!....oh come on! Really now! By the time you get that word out, the person you bumped into has left the scene!
I was in the yarn store downtown yesterday and got stuck behind this woman. I tried, tried, tried to remember the word.......Anna was coaching me the other day.....the word starts like "insurance", ja (yes!)...but instead of inSURE it goes inSHOOL...oh heck, by the time I got to that part and before the "gong" part, yep, the woman had moved on. I could've just tapped her on the shoulder.
The other day someone bumped into me in Munich and said some foreign word.....neither "excuse me" nor "pardon" nor "entschuldigung". I don't know what she said....but I knew what she meant. So what did it matter?
When I checked out at the grocery store yesterday, the checkout lady let fly a whole torrent of German. Even though I opened my eyes really, really wide, I couldn't understand any better. I said to her, ho.... let me think this out now....OK...."ich spreichen nicht Deustch" (I don't speak any German at all even though I wish I did and if I was smarter I would learn it better but I'll keep trying and open my eyes wider hoping some will absorb by eye-osmosis). She understood exactly what I was trying to say! and said to me "It doesn't matter, no problem". Ho, whew.
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