Hey Girlfriends!
I'm really starting to miss all my super dynamic women friends! I haven't shared a mega-laughing session....or a serious or not-so-serious talk-a-thon in weeks now. Not one tale of cleaning and wrecked houses, husbands, children, school, the state of the world or "Would-you-believe?" ' to cross my ears since January. (Or maybe I have heard them, all around in fact, but just not understood). Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it here, Stuttgart couldn't be a better city for someone who needs to get the heeby-jeebies out by a good Move-Around every day. It's beautiful and Steve and I are having a lot of fun. But you know what I'm talkin' 'bout.....
I came upon these Sassy Women in a shop window the other day and they looked, like, so Wags! I couldn't believe it. I thought, "there we are!" I've seen a couple of varieties of these ladies in other windows, but none as good as this Wag group.
And then I had this crazy wonderful idea......
If I can find out where to get these torso forms....unpainted....and fit, say 24 or 25 into my suitcase to bring home, the next time we get together after I'm back, at my house will be fine, we'll have a painting party. Each of us can paint our own Saster (Sassy Sister) (I don't know about that though....it's getting perilously close to.....DIsaster....ha). OK, skip the "Saster" idea, let's just go with....each of us, can paint our own Wonderwag to match our personality. Or we can copy one of these great ladies....whoever matches us best. What fun!
And then, and then!, I got another super idea. You know those cities that put these things up around town.....I know in Raleigh, NC, they put up cows, each painted or decorated a different way. I think Lancaster....or was it Harrisburg... was going to do the same thing. I've heard of horses and fish too.
Well......you can see where I'm going with this, right? YES! All around Lititz, a community women's art project. We'll have Wags all over town.
Like, Chris can be in front of Spill the Beans, Kathy, how bout you being at the corner there in front of the Sutter patio. Ellen, you can be at the Post Office....you worked there once, right? I'm claiming to be in front of Doughsie Dough. And Julia and Deb, you guys can be right on the Square....we need a couple of Wags there, of course. I don't know, who likes chocolate the most....Terry?, Margie? Amy? you can go down near Wilburs. And Selina, of course, in front of Cafe Chocolate. There's plenty of room in the Park for some more of us. Nancy, maybe you can be out in front of George's cause he deals in the arts. Oh, and of course, Marcy, you can be there, standing out in front of the Police Station. Perfect!
We'll have plaques with our names on them.....first name only....we wouldn't want anyone to actually recognize us. Just picture it now.....A wonderfully painted and expressive Wonderwag Torso, of Chris, out in front of Spill the Beans, mounted on a beautiful granite base with a brass plaque that simply says, "Chris" on it. Oh the elegance! Oh the fun!
Sort of like the Ice Sculptures, only better, we won't melt!
OK, I'm going to make assignments....but if you don't like your situation, it's OK, you can just try to find someone to switch with.
Zany Wonderwag Torso Assignments:
Chris - Spill the Beans, Amy - Wilburs, Kate - Lititz El, Cedar St. entrance, Nancy - Photographer's Corner, Marcy - Police Station, Terry - Wilbur's, Margie - Wilburs, hangin' with Terry and Amy, Sue....hmmmm, Sue, you're not in Lititz no mo'...maybe we should put you at a bus stop heading down to Lancaster, Fran - next to the Gazebo in Lititz Springs, Deb K., on the Square with Sharon (I changed my mind....Julia's going somewhere else), Lorie....hmmm, I think down there by the Skate Park, yeah, to keep an eye on things, Selina - Cafe Chocolate, Rosetta - in front of Susquahanna Bank, Jessica - you get to be there at Doughsie Dough...I have another spot, Pat - Over at the Tennis Courts at the High School with Julia (and even though we're only statues, I'm beating her badly this time....this time....), Linda - in front of McElroy's, Carol, ho, I think we need someone by the Band Shell in Lititz Springs, Sharon, hangin' with Deb K. on the Square in front of the fountain.....you know, where the Manger Scene is at Christmastime, Kathy, on the Patio at the Sutter, Ellen - Post Office, Dianne - at the head of the Sping in the park - Lion side, Julia - tennis court with me getting her butt kicked, Deb N. - another out-of-towner, let's see, you can be in the parking area of the park, Joanne - I know, since you love them so, by the entrance to the library, Marcia - haha, you can be up by the Tin Soldier, Robyn - in the Alley between the buildings going back to where the Record Express used to be. Oh and Cecile, when you get here, hmmm, I know, you can be in front of the Sassy Tassle.
OK now, I want to hear NO complaining about assignments!! If you can find someone to trade with OK, or if you have a better idea, you can bring it up before the Committee and the Board of Directors.
Now imagine yourself at your spot and see if that doesn't just tickle your funnybone.
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