Sunday, July 13, 2008

Vacation Oddities

The vacation had all the great high-lites you could hope for.....beautiful scenery....snow-covered mountains in the distance, river gorges, bays, waterfalls, gardens and the Pacific Ocean with haystock rocks. Lots of walking in the cities, over bridges, along rivers, through parks, a day of biking on the ridge and through the city.....good food and drink....great weather. It was wonderful.

But there were some really unique and unusual items along the way....Vacation Oddities.

Already told is the story of the World Naked Bike Ride. Don't ya think Lititz needs one of those. Who's in? Haha. I wish I had photos, I really do, but the whole thing took us by surprise in the middle of the night. I wasn't prepared for camera action.

In Portland I had read about the Voodoo Doughnut Shop....HAD to go there, HAD to see it. It took about an hour and a half of walking, turning the wrong way, retracing steps. I figured it'd be worth it though, and it was.

The woman sitting there asked me if I wanted to share the bench. She told me the story of taking the Maple, Bacon-Covered Bar Doughnut to a friend in Seattle and it bringing tears to the eyes of her friend. Thatsa GOOD doughnut!

The Voodoo sells all sorts of oddball doughnuts. Some are covered with frootloops. There are all sorts of coverings and jimmies......on and on. There's a cock-and-balls doughnut. It's huge! This is the signature doughnut....The Voodoo Blood-Filled Doughtnut. I got one to bring back to Steve and met him in the parking garage of the hotel where he'd checked out after finishing up with work. We gobbled that Voodoo Boy down, right there on the trunk of the car. I ate an arm and a big chunk of his body......and felt positively blood-thirsty! Notice the pretzel stab to the heart. Yiyiyi!

In a northern section of Seattle we sort of stumbled on the Summer Soltice Festival of Freemont. The floats and groups were so was great. Again, a few naked bike riders at the beginning....usually body painted and decorated. This group.....a graduation-robed steel band ( what an odd combo)...and.....other stuff. Dunces dancing around the edges. Weird!

One of the biggest groups included about 200 belly-dancers, bellying down the road, all dressed in bubble-gum pink. What a pictures of that. Rats!

This was the end of the parade....drums, bongos, grass skirts, dancing. The really funny thing here.......niether Steve nor I saw the body-painted woman right there in the middle of this photo while we were there, only later while looking at the strange, how truly bizaare! but there she was.....probably an earlier World Naked Bike Rider. Well, you get the picture.

1 comment:

Itsa Me said...

No one seems to even notice the orange tush lady, (not sure what that says about Seattle, I'm sure they would take notice in old Lititz). Wait, except for maybe "Mr. Sunglasses"? Yeah, I think he's definitely lookin! Looks like a great vacation Pat.