Thursday, December 17, 2009


There's a blog that I go to regularly, called 1000awesomethings. It's pretty neat, the guy writes about all the little sparks that make life cool. But 1000! Holy cow! That's a lot!

I've been thinking about it though. I'm going to just do FIVE. There are many more, of course, along with the usual, friends, health.....but these 5 things are the quirky stuff that have made my life spin and groove.

!. Putting on a warm pair of jeans fresh out of the dryer.....ahhhhh.....ahhhhh.....

2. Watching Rosie bound out of the yard like the young pup she used to be.....
3. FINALLY.....FINALLY......making the pig snout holes just the right size for the corks after carving dozens of corks to make them fit right. Eureka!!! Just right

4. Having my elegant pasta dish served with a garnish of red and green Peanut M&Ms....

5. Being able to moonwalk!!!!!!!!!! So cool!!!!!!

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