Monday, February 2, 2009

Strassbourg and Munich....

Strasbourg, France......


Guten morgen mes copines! (good french),

I hope you're all doing really well and have survived the Super Bowl....Go Steelers! That must've been a wild and wooly game. No, I couldn't stay up. OK, so Julia, was there leaping up and yelling of those "exciting" words going on at your house? I was imagining that sort of thing going on and getting quite a chuckle out of that bet! Is everyone still slipping and sliding there in Lititz? Is Chris able to get down her driveway yet? and back up it again?

We've really had quite an exciting week. I have so many stories already.....there's a list in my little black book that's gone over several pages already. So many funny things too. You can get into a lot of trouble just using the very inexact language of pointing. Hoho.

But before I go into the more exotic and quirky details, I AM going to say, it's really really beautiful here! I'm putting photos up at the blog cause you can see the photos without having to open each one separately.

OK, BUT, I'm going to be serious here for a second and try to convey just how wonderfully lovely it is, everywhere that we've been. Europeans, at least to my eye, seem to take art very seriously and there are sculptures and fountains everywhere. And just the curve of the buildings down a narrow street is so neat. Everytime I turn around I could take a picture.

Last week we went to Bad Cannstatt and Beitigheim, suburb villages of Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Strassbourg, France, through the Black Forest (oh my God! those ski sjumps! What kind of person hurls themselves down those giantly steep pitched hills and then whizzes off the end of the ramp .....stories high above the bottom of the hill....good God!), Munich and then to Frankfurt to take Annie back to the airport. Whew! Whiz bang!

So I hope everyone is well out there. I'm off to market (hoho, doesn't that just sound just so cool?) to try to get ingredients for the #2 Soup in the 2009 Soup contest. I hope I can find the right kind of Sausage here in the Land of Sausages and I hope I can do some expert pointing and ....oh gosh! I don't know any "quantity" words.....or....or anything about metric measuring. Let's see.....grams per pound? Anyone know the conversion? Yikes! I guess, a sausage can be.....hmmmm....."yeah big"? Hand measure.....? Oh Lordy!, how do they do it here? Hahaha! Adventure at the Sausage Stand!

Hmmm.....I wonder if there's chicken bouillion....or broth? How do you say "chicken" in German? Will there be cans of diced tomatoes with basil, oregano and garlic? Oh geez, maybe we'll go out to dinner tonight! Especially since we need to do laundry and it'll take lots of energy for THAT adventure. Steve took his dirty laundry to the center of town (which had the most understandable arrangement for washing clothes) in his suitcase! on the tram! the last time he did it....hahahahaha! but he got 'er done. Oh goodness.

Well, take care everyone, cheerio, gesundtite, ein bier bitte, Pat

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